Results for 'Pavel G. Georgiev'

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  1.  11
    C2H2 proteins: Evolutionary aspects of domain architecture and diversification.Artem N. Bonchuk & Pavel G. Georgiev - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (8):2400052.
    The largest group of transcription factors in higher eukaryotes are C2H2 proteins, which contain C2H2‐type zinc finger domains that specifically bind to DNA. Few well‐studied C2H2 proteins, however, demonstrate their key role in the control of gene expression and chromosome architecture. Here we review the features of the domain architecture of C2H2 proteins and the likely origin of C2H2 zinc fingers. A comprehensive investigation of proteomes for the presence of proteins with multiple clustered C2H2 domains has revealed a key difference (...)
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    BTB domains: A structural view of evolution, multimerization, and protein–protein interactions.Artem Bonchuk, Konstantin Balagurov & Pavel Georgiev - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (2):2200179.
    Broad‐complex, Tramtrack, and Bric‐à‐brac/poxvirus and zinc finger (BTB/POZ) is a conserved domain found in many eukaryotic proteins with diverse cellular functions. Recent studies revealed its importance in multiple developmental processes as well as in the onset and progression of oncological diseases. Most BTB domains can form multimers and selectively interact with non‐BTB proteins. Structural studies of BTB domains delineated the presence of different interfaces involved in various interactions mediated by BTBs and provided a basis for the specific inhibition of distinct (...)
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    Evolution, Development and Complexity: Multiscale Evolutionary Models of Complex Adaptive Systems.G. Georgiev, C. L. F. Martinez, M. E. Price & J. M. Smart (eds.) - 2019 - Springer.
    This book explores the universe and its subsystems from the three lenses of evolutionary (diversifying), developmental (converging), and complex (adaptive) processes at all scales. It draws from prolific experts within the academic disciplines of complexity science, physical science, information and computer science, theoretical and evo-devo biology, cosmology, astrobiology, evolutionary theory, developmental theory, and philosophy. The chapters come from a Satellite Meeting, "Evolution, Development and Complexity" (EDC) hosted at the Conference on Complex Systems, in Cancun, 2017. The contributions will be peer-reviewed (...)
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    Intrinsic nanoscale phase separation of bulk As2S3glass.D. G. Georgiev, P. Boolchand & K. A. Jackson - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (25):2941-2953.
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    On the Preconditions and Essential Elements of Consciousness.F. I. Georgiev & G. F. Khrustov - 1966 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 4 (4):42-48.
    Investigation of the factors in natural history which conditioned the appearance of consciousness, that specifically human form of mental activity, necessarily presumes, in particular, a study of its functional preconditions or, in other words, of the higher forms of animal activity involving objects and of the corresponding mental processes. It is not enough to know the general psychological qualities of animals, the general principles by which their behavior is shaped, principles and properties offering evidence of a type of vital activity (...)
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    Representation and Processing of Domain Knowledge for Simulation-Based Training in Complex Dynamic Systems.G. T. Georgiev & I. I. Zheliazkova - 2000 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 10 (3):255-278.
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    Making connections: Insulators organize eukaryotic chromosomes into independent cis regulatory networks.Darya Chetverina, Tsutomu Aoki, Maksim Erokhin, Pavel Georgiev & Paul Schedl - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (2):163-172.
    Insulators play a central role in subdividing the chromosome into a series of discrete topologically independent domains and in ensuring that enhancers and silencers contact their appropriate target genes. In this review we first discuss the general characteristics of insulator elements and their associated protein factors. A growing collection of insulator proteins have been identified including a family of proteins whose expression is developmentally regulated. We next consider several unexpected discoveries that require us to completely rethink how insulators function (and (...)
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    Pharmacological Neuroenhancement in the Field of Economics—Poll Results from an Online Survey.Pavel Dietz, Michael Soyka & Andreas G. Franke - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Incomplete Worlds, Ritual Emotions.Thomas G. Pavel - 1983 - Philosophy and Literature 7 (1):48-58.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Thomas G. Pavel INCOMPLETE WORLDS, RITUAL EMOTIONS' IN recent years, the notion of "fictional world" has enjoyed a considerable rise in fortune. The expression, however, is not entirely new. To refer to the world of a literary work, of a novel or of a play, has always been a favorite way of speaking for literary critics and aestheticians. In most cases, these were informal worlds. A discussion of (...)
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  10. "Possible worlds" in literary semantics.Thomas G. Pavel - 1975 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 34 (2):165-176.
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    Ontological issues in poetics: Speech acts and fictional worlds.Thomas G. Pavel - 1981 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 40 (2):167-178.
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    The Spell of Language: Poststructuralism and Speculation.Thomas G. Pavel - 2001 - University of Chicago Press.
    Originally published as Le Mirage linguistique, this book remains the definitive study of the role of linguistics in structuralism and poststructuralism.
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    Towards a Bioethics in Post-Communist Russia.Pavel D. Tichtchenko & Boris G. Yudin - 1992 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 1 (4):295.
    In the last 7 years, Russia has seen deep changes in all spheres of political and economic life. Some new realities have appeared in Russian medicine as well. This paper tells the story of how these changes came about, what kind of unusal situation were created, and how these situation are recognized in professional and public debates.
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    The Concept of the Meaning of life in the Critical Philosophy of A.I. Vvedensky.Pavel Vladimirov & Nato G. Khasaya - 2021 - Studies in Transcendental Philosophy 2 (3).
    The article is devoted to identifying the concept of the meaning of life in the critical philosophy of A.I. Vvedensky, where special attention is paid to the methodological foundations and the historical and philosophical context. The formulation of the question about the meaning of life is one of the ultimate questions in philosophy, the answer to which makes it possible to determine the motives of human activity. In Vvedenskyʼs philosophy, the problem of goal-setting in life is revealed in the prism (...)
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    Digitized Future of Medicine: Challenges for Bioethics.Elena G. Grebenshchikova & Pavel D. Tishchenko - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (2):83-103.
    The article discusses the challenges, benefits, and risks that, from a bioethical perspective, arise because of the the development of eHealth projects. The conceptual framework of the research is based on H. Jonas’ principles of the ethics of responsibility and B.G. Yudin’s anthropological ideas on human beings as agents who constantly change their own boundaries in the “zone of phase transitions.” The article focuses on the events taking place in the zone of phase transitions between humans and machines in eHealth. (...)
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  16.  59
    Phenomenology and Literature, An Introduction. By Robert R. Magliola, West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press. 1977. xi, 208 pages. [REVIEW]Thomas G. Pavel - 1980 - Dialogue 19 (2):342-345.
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    Sémiotique et Sciences Sociales. By A.J. Greimas. Paris: Editions du Seuil. 1976. 216 pages. [REVIEW]Thomas G. Pavel - 1981 - Dialogue 20 (1):162-169.
  18.  27
    The Present Debate: News from France"Notre Histoire: Materiaux Pour Servir a L'histoire Intellectuelle de la France, 1953-1987.". [REVIEW]Thomas G. Pavel - 1989 - Diacritics 19 (1):17.
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  19. Intrinsic Connectivity Networks in the Self- and Other-Referential Processing.Gennady G. Knyazev, Alexander N. Savostyanov, Andrey V. Bocharov, Evgeny A. Levin & Pavel D. Rudych - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Simone Weil, réception et transposition.Robert Chenavier & Thomas G. Pavel (eds.) - 2019 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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  21. Obshchestvo i kulʹtura.A. G. Egorov, Pavel Semenovich Gurevich & V. P. Rachkov (eds.) - 1988 - Moskva: [S.N.].
    Ch. 1. Filosofskoe osmyslenie kulʹtury -- ch. 2. Problemy mnozhestvennosti kulʹtur.
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    From Russian Theurgical Aesthetics to the Utopian Theurgy of Beauty and Art in the Russian Diaspora Philosophy.Galina G. Kolomiets & Pavel V. Lyashenko - 2022 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 26 (1):120-136.
    The paper is devoted to the analysis of theurgic aesthetics in relation to the concept of utopia that initiates a different understanding of the philosophy of the Russian diaspora representatives through the prism of utopian theurgy of beauty and art. Introducing the idea of utopian theurgy of beauty and art the authors emphasize its meaningful, axiological component. The authors interpret the utopian theurgy of beauty and art in the Russian diaspora philosophy of the first third of the 20th century as (...)
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    On an Approach to the Philosophy of the Sacred.Pavel Krupkin - manuscript
    The study explores an approach to the philosophy of the sacred, tracing its presence from early recorded history to contemporary socio-political structures. The sacred is examined as a fundamental component of social organization, influencing social identities, institutions, and state legitimacy. -/- A key hypothesis introduced is the genetically determined centre of the sacred in the human brain, which evolved 50,000–70,000 years ago and functions archetypally, shaping emotions such as reverence, indignation at desecration, and numinous experiences. The sacred extends beyond traditional (...)
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    Probleme de logică dialectică în filozofia lui G. W. F. Hegel.Pavel Apostol - 1957 - [București]: Editura Academiei Republicii Populare Romîne.
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  25. Once more on analytic vs. synthetic.Pavel Materna - 2007 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 16 (1):3-43.
    The boundary between analytic and synthetic sentences is well definable. Quine’s attempt to make it vague is based on a misunderstanding: instead of freeing semantics from shortcomings found, e.g. in Carnap’s work, Quine actually rejects semantics of natural language and replaces it by behavioristically articulated pragmatics. Semantics of natural language as a logical analysis is however possible and it can justify hard and fast lines between analyticity and syntheticity.
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    Predizvikatelstvoto Aristotel: sbornik s razshireni dokladi ot konferent︠s︡ii︠a︡ta, posvetena na 2400-godishninata ot rozhdenieto na filosofa, provedena v SU "Sv. Kliment Okhridski" ot 28 do 30 noemvri 2016 g.Dimka Gocheva, Ivan Georgiev Kolev & Kharalampi Panit︠s︡idis (eds.) - 2018 - Sofii︠a︡: Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski".
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    Aesthetic experience in the political philosophy of A. Kojève: towards understanding the practice and theory of the total state.Pavel Egorov - 2023 - Sotsium I Vlast 4 (98):21-36.
    Introduction. The article is focused on analyzing the aesthetic aspect of A. Kojève’s philosophy, the ability of his philosophy, from an aesthetic point of view, to clarify a number of key problems of the modern political and cultural environment. The purpose of the study is to determine the epistemological attitude of A. Kojève’s philosophy able to clarify the way in which his philosophy problematizes the current cultural and political reality. Methods. Hermeneutics, comparative analysis and deconstruction are used as research methods. (...)
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    Double Helix of Life Technologization.Pavel Tishchenko - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 48 (2):51-53.
    The author discusses B.G. Yudin's image technoscience as having two contours, the external one dealing with science, business and society, and the internal one represented by laboratories. Together these two contours present a multidimensional net of relations between science and technology in conducting experiments, development of instruments (e.g. visualization tools), etc. The author argues that, in such a system, coordinated activity of the internal and the external contours is provided by a synergy of regulatory principles of truth, good and usefulness. (...)
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  29.  26
    An Interpretation of Two Personal Names in the Ninth Line of the Tonyukuk Inscription.Pavel Ryken & Nikolai Telitsin - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (2):287.
    The paper deals with the etymology of the personal names Qunï Säŋün and Toŋra Simä appearing in the ninth line of the Old Turkic Tonyukuk inscription. These names are borne by the envoys sent by the kagan of the Tokuz Oghuz to the Chinese and Khitan, respectively, to conclude a military alliance against the Turks. Both names have the same structure, a combination of an ethnonym vs. toŋra), referring to a tribal unit within the Tiele 鐵勒 confederation, and a title (...)
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    Můj J. B. Kozák.Pavel Spunar - 2015 - Studia Philosophica 62 (1):71-104.
    Cílem této práce je připomenout odkaz J. B. Kozáka (1888–1974) a hodnotu jeho přednášek na Karlově univerzitě v letech 1949–1952, které měly hluboký význam v souvislosti s novou politickou situací po komunistickém puči v roce 1948. Život J. B. Kozáka byl hluboce ovlivněn jeho církevním vzděláním. Nakonec však získal post profesora filosofie na Karlově univerzitě v Praze. Jako prominentní zástupce Českého kulturního života se stal aktivním členem malého kroužku „pátečníků“ založeného spisovatelem K. Čapkem (1890–1938) a podporovaného T. G. Masarykem (1850–1937). (...)
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    Reviews. [REVIEW]James G. Colbert, F. J. Adelmann & Pavel Kovaly - 1992 - Studies in East European Thought 43 (3):219-252.
  32.  25
    Fiction, Fact, Phalanx, PhantasmFictional Worlds. [REVIEW]Floyd Merrell & Thomas G. Pavel - 1989 - Diacritics 19 (1):2.
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    HUMANS IN ARISTOTLE - (G.) Kirk, (J.) Arel (edd.) Aristotle on Human Nature. The Animal with Logos. Pp. viii + 225. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023. Cased, £85, US$115. ISBN: 978-1-350-34831-8. [REVIEW]Pavel Gregoric - 2024 - The Classical Review 74 (2):415-417.
  34. Gymnosophy: The Wisdom of Nakedness.Ivo Jirasek & Pavel Hlavinka - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (7):683-690.
    The paper asks the question, whether nakedness embodies a potential wisdom. It deals with two different approaches to the phenomenon of nakedness: the first one rejecting, the second one appreciating the corporeality. The authors show different meanings the various cultures and civilizations attributed to nakedness, e.g. nakedness as a religious symbol of social subordination or belittling or of a specific national dominance . Attention is paid also to the meanings of nakedness in Jainism, where the nakedness is a symbol of (...)
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    Reviews. [REVIEW]Timothy E. O'Connor, Julien S. Murphy, Irving H. Anellis, Pavel Kovaly, Nigel Gibson, N. G. O. Pereira, Fred Seddon, Oliva Blanchette & Friedrich Rapp - 1996 - Studies in East European Thought 48 (2-4):135-137.
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    Reviews : Thomas G. Pavel, The Feud of Language: a history of structuralist thought, Oxford: Blackwell, 1990, £25.50, viii + 178 pp. [REVIEW]G. Salemohamed - 1991 - History of the Human Sciences 4 (2):312-315.
  37. Virtues and Vices of Interpreted Classical Formalisms: Some Impertinent Questions for Pavel Materna on the occasion of his 70th Birthday.B. G. Sundholm - unknown
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    L. Beklemishev. Another pathological well-ordering. Logic Colloquium '98, Proceedings of the annual European summer meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, held in Prague, Czech Republic, August 9–15, 1998, edited by Samuel R. Buss, Petr Hájek, and Pavel Pudlák, Lecture notes in logic, no. 13, Association for Symbolic Logic, Urbana, and A K Peters, Natick, Mass., 2000, pp. 105–108. [REVIEW]G. Mints - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (4):534-534.
  39.  17
    Pavel, Thomas G. Fictional Worlds.Susan L. Feagin - 1988 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 46 (3):428-429.
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  40. Deconstruction in Software Construction.G. Futschek - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 10 (3):364-365.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Constructionism and Deconstructionism” by Pavel Boytchev. Upshot: Boytchev’s deconstructionism looks at first glance like a game of words. Upon a deeper view of the subject, he focuses our attention on the importance of deconstruction to the construction process, which is highly connected to creativity. In my contribution, I want to point out the close relationship of Boytchev’s deconstruction to the software development process, where requirements analysis corresponds to deconstruction and software design and implementation (...)
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    Filosofy XX veka--Pavel Kopnin: materialy respublikanskikh chteniĭ--8, g. Minsk, 22 i︠a︡nvari︠a︡ 2003 goda.I︠A︡. S. I︠A︡skevich, Valentin Stepanovich Vi︠a︡zovkin & P. V. Kopnin (eds.) - 2003 - Minsk: RIVSh BGU.
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    P. Gregorić – G. Karamanolis (vyd.), Pseudo-Aristotle: De Mundo.Eliška Fulínová - 2022 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 2022 (62):191-196.
    Book review on Pavel Gregorić – George Karamanolis (vyd.) Pseudo-Aristotle: De Mundo (On The Cosmos). A Commentary. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) 2021, 245 str.
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  43. Evolution of Consciousness.Danko D. Georgiev - 2024 - Life 14 (1):48.
    The natural evolution of consciousness in different animal species mandates that conscious experiences are causally potent in order to confer any advantage in the struggle for survival. Any endeavor to construct a physical theory of consciousness based on emergence within the framework of classical physics, however, leads to causally impotent conscious experiences in direct contradiction to evolutionary theory since epiphenomenal consciousness cannot evolve through natural selection. Here, we review recent theoretical advances in describing sentience and free will as fundamental aspects (...)
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  44. Causal potency of consciousness in the physical world.Danko D. Georgiev - 2024 - International Journal of Modern Physics B 38 (19):2450256.
    The evolution of the human mind through natural selection mandates that our conscious experiences are causally potent in order to leave a tangible impact upon the surrounding physical world. Any attempt to construct a functional theory of the conscious mind within the framework of classical physics, however, inevitably leads to causally impotent conscious experiences in direct contradiction to evolution theory. Here, we derive several rigorous theorems that identify the origin of the latter impasse in the mathematical properties of ordinary differential (...)
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  45. Quantum Information and Consciousness: A Gentle Introduction.Danko D. Georgiev - 2017 - Boca Raton: CRC Press.
    This book addresses the fascinating cross-disciplinary field of quantum information theory applied to the study of brain function. It offers a self-study guide to probe the problems of consciousness, including a concise but rigorous introduction to classical and quantum information theory, theoretical neuroscience, and philosophy of the mind. It aims to address long-standing problems related to consciousness within the framework of modern theoretical physics in a comprehensible manner that elucidates the nature of the mind-body relationship. The reader also gains an (...)
  46. Inner privacy of conscious experiences and quantum information.Danko D. Georgiev - 2020 - Biosystems 187:104051.
    The human mind is constituted by inner, subjective, private, first-person conscious experiences that cannot be measured with physical devices or observed from an external, objective, public, third-person perspective. The qualitative, phenomenal nature of conscious experiences also cannot be communicated to others in the form of a message composed of classical bits of information. Because in a classical world everything physical is observable and communicable, it is a daunting task to explain how an empirically unobservable, incommunicable consciousness could have any physical (...)
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  47. Quantum propensities in the brain cortex and free will.Danko D. Georgiev - 2021 - Biosystems 208:104474.
    Capacity of conscious agents to perform genuine choices among future alternatives is a prerequisite for moral responsibility. Determinism that pervades classical physics, however, forbids free will, undermines the foundations of ethics, and precludes meaningful quantification of personal biases. To resolve that impasse, we utilize the characteristic indeterminism of quantum physics and derive a quantitative measure for the amount of free will manifested by the brain cortical network. The interaction between the central nervous system and the surrounding environment is shown to (...)
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  48. Quantum information theoretic approach to the mind–brain problem.Danko D. Georgiev - 2020 - Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 158:16-32.
    The brain is composed of electrically excitable neuronal networks regulated by the activity of voltage-gated ion channels. Further portraying the molecular composition of the brain, however, will not reveal anything remotely reminiscent of a feeling, a sensation or a conscious experience. In classical physics, addressing the mind–brain problem is a formidable task because no physical mechanism is able to explain how the brain generates the unobservable, inner psychological world of conscious experiences and how in turn those conscious experiences steer the (...)
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  49. Enhancing user creativity: semantic measures for idea generation.Georgi V. Georgiev & Danko D. Georgiev - 2018 - Knowledge-Based Systems 151:1-15.
    Human creativity generates novel ideas to solve real-world problems. This thereby grants us the power to transform the surrounding world and extend our human attributes beyond what is currently possible. Creative ideas are not just new and unexpected, but are also successful in providing solutions that are useful, efficient and valuable. Thus, creativity optimizes the use of available resources and increases wealth. The origin of human creativity, however, is poorly understood, and semantic measures that could predict the success of generated (...)
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  50. Quantum no-go theorems and consciousness.Danko Georgiev - 2013 - Axiomathes 23 (4):683-695.
    Our conscious minds exist in the Universe, therefore they should be identified with physical states that are subject to physical laws. In classical theories of mind, the mental states are identified with brain states that satisfy the deterministic laws of classical mechanics. This approach, however, leads to insurmountable paradoxes such as epiphenomenal minds and illusionary free will. Alternatively, one may identify mental states with quantum states realized within the brain and try to resolve the above paradoxes using the standard Hilbert (...)
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